My Counseling Austin
Do you feel like you’ve become Bill Murray in the movie Groundhog Day? Re-living the same arguments and mundane tasks in a painful rut? Or has your communication been reduced to criticism, defensiveness, and shutting down without a satisfying resolution? Are you unsure of whether or not you even want to continue with your relationship and are faced with the excruciating decision of whether to stay or go? You have come to the right place.
I have completed the Gottman Couples Counseling Level I Training and utilize many concrete, research-based tools to help with assessment of the strengths and pitfalls in your relationship. I will also teach you and your partner effective communication skills, and ways of fighting more fairly. We will learn more about each of your attachment styles to better understand yourselves, your needs, and your partner, so that you can foster a new sense of intimacy and each get your needs met without a fight. Sound too good to be true? Well, you both have to be willing to do the work, and it can be intense work. The good news is, I’m right there with you to mediate and guide you through the process. If you two are willing to face your demons in the relationship, let go of past hurts, fully show up for each other in session and at home, and let your guards down, you can come out the other side with increased connection, respect, trust, and love for one another. You can have a stronger relationship than ever before if you commit to doing the work.
What does the “work” consist of, you ask? I ask that you commit to giving your full attention to trying to make the relationship succeed for at least the first month of therapy. I will make book recommendations and give homework assignments to supplement our sessions because much of the change and growth happens in-between appointments. We will practice communication skills in session through experiential exercises so that you will have these tools at the ready when conflict arises at home. I ask that you challenge yourself to let your guard down because that is the only way to re-establish connection and intimacy. If all of this makes you a bit nauseous, I understand! It is incredibly scary and courageous to take this step toward healing your relationship. You’re not alone in it! You’ve got each other and me. You can do this.